Day Day Up has not been broadcast tonight, Li Yitong is on the spot, and the girl’s sister is super-dominant.

Home >Entertainment > Day Day Up has not been broadcast tonight, Li Yitong is on the spot, and the girl’s sister is super-dominant.



Tonight, Day Day Up is finally coming to this week's launch. As a variety show of Hunan Satellite TV, it is also a lot of attention, I believe everyone should be very much looking forward to it. However, although the program has not yet been broadcast, Xiao Bian now gives everyone a spoiler, let everyone know about this program in advance. In this issue of Day Day Up, members of our domestic first-valued women's group SNH48, Li Yizhen and Lin Siyi will be ushered in. As the two members of the SNH48 who are very popular with them, their arrival also instantly made Day Day Up unspoken tonight.

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