Junior school: Deng Xiaoqi was isolated, but Lin Dawei advised her to reconcile with her.

Home >Entertainment > Junior school: Deng Xiaoqi was isolated, but Lin Dawei advised her to reconcile with her.

2019-06-25 17:30:11 Views Tags:Lin Miaomiao ,  Deng Xiaoqi ,  Youth School ,  Dawei


Deng Xiaoqi's mother's things were known by her classmates in the school, and then language violence came. The whole school knew that Deng Xiaoqi's mother's style was not right. Deng Xiaoqi was isolated and nobody wanted to be with her. At this time, Lin Miaomiao was a little happy. After all, it was Deng Xiaoqi who let her treat her father like that before. At this time, we should praise Lin Dawei's three points of view. His remarks to Miao Miao, everyone's tastes, are really a three-point dad.

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