Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello hugged in the streets, and when they asked questions in love, they shook their heads and said "No"!

Home >Entertainment > Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello hugged in the streets, and when they asked questions in love, they shook their heads and said "No"!



On July 7, local time, Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello were filmed again. If there is no one next to the "bear hug" on the street, it is very sweet to go shopping. The two recently collaborated on the hot "Senorita", shooting a lot of hot shots in the MV, let the fans shout "Don't dare to look." Mengde’s mother once commented on the Kamei social networking site, and the love emoji seems to imply the relationship between the two.

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