Zhang Yingying family thanked the murderer’s ex-girlfriend for testifying that she would set up a foundation with her daughter’s name.

Home >Life > Zhang Yingying family thanked the murderer’s ex-girlfriend for testifying that she would set up a foundation with her daughter’s name.

2019-07-24 16:02:21 Views Tags:Yingying zhang trial ,  brendt christensen ,  yingying zhang parents


As a boyfriend of Zhang Yingying, Zhang Yingying’s parents have been running in the United States for two years. On several occasions, they have been pushed to the cusp of public opinion. The economic situation is stretched and the psychological grief is unimaginable. The wrong man, shouldered the responsibility of a man, the most dangerous moments do not abandon do not give up and do not escape, although the trial results are not satisfactory, or hope that everything will be good in the future, it is too distressing.

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