NPC mate selection standard exposure! Cai Xukun "accurate" Zhu Zhengyan "complex"

Home >Entertainment > NPC mate selection standard exposure! Cai Xukun "accurate" Zhu Zhengyan "complex"

2019-01-25 13:56:04 Views Tags:Cai Xukun ,  mate criteria ,  Wei Mi figure ,  Zhu Zhengting ,  NPC


In a recent interview, NPC exposed the selection criteria, let's take a look. Cai Xukun, the captain of the NPC, is the highest one in terms of popularity. The three conditions must be met. One must laugh, the other must work hard, and the third must be ikun! I saw many fans shouting here, Kun Kun is mine. There is also the "human fairy" Zhu Zhengyan, I have already bubbled up the beauty, and the requirements for the other half are also beautiful. First of all, we must have a good body and taste, and we must know what we should do and what not to do. And stressed that this person must satisfy all illusions in the future.

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