The Chinese version of Xiaojin Xishan was ugly after losing weight: the original red color was mainl

Home >Entertainment > The Chinese version of Xiaojin Xishan was ugly after losing weight: the original red color was mainl

2019-01-29 13:29:46 Views Tags:Chinese Jin Xishan ,  weight loss ugliness ,  fat potential stocks ,  photogra


It is said that the fat is a potential stock, weight loss is like a facelift, but not every fat man can be slimmer than the original beauty, such as the "most beautiful fat man" and Weijia. Like many net reds, and Weijia's popularity is also due to a set of photos. In 2013, when she was only 19 years old, she was internship at a movie theater in Sanlitun, Beijing. She was working on snacks sales. It was just that, she had a customer who was a photographer in the media industry and saw her amazing value. But there is a huge body that doesn't fit well, because she can't help but take a few photos and send them to the social platform.

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