When everyone is being scented by Qi Wei, it is the real status of actress.

Home >Entertainment > When everyone is being scented by Qi Wei, it is the real status of actress.

2019-01-30 13:52:47 Views Tags:Face without makeup ,  Qi Wei makeup ,  Tong Liya ,  beautiful actress


Tong Liya is more pure and pleasing, and the facial features of Tong Liya are very beautiful, and the appearance of not using powder is even more impressive. Julia didn't have a strong makeup on the show, just got up and did a simple skin care and went out. The gap between Liya Suyan is not very big, and Qi Wei is more scary. Qi Wei likes to sleep late, sleep until noon to get up and wash. When Peng Yichang went to wash the clothes, Peng Yuchang just happened to meet, and the honest Peng Yuchang almost did not recognize the rose of the face. However, the audience also expressed their understanding. After all, Peng Yuchang is a myopia. Everyone is very clear. The gap between Qi Wei and Yan and makeup is also a bit big, so Peng Yichang can not recognize it is justifiable.

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