Xiao Jingteng’s left hand suspected bone fracture was urgently sent to medical treatment, and the su

Home >Entertainment > Xiao Jingteng’s left hand suspected bone fracture was urgently sent to medical treatment, and the su

2019-01-30 14:18:14 Views Tags:Xiao Jingteng cracked ,  hospital treatment ,  old injury worsened ,  fans worried


Jin Qu Ge Wang Xiao Jingteng passed the left hand bone crack emergency medical treatment! On the 3rd at the hito awards ceremony, he and Luo Dayou gave a full-fledged performance to the performance of the piano. I did not expect that after a night, the bones were broken and rushed to Chang Gung Hospital for treatment. Before he performed, he was suspected of playing basketball in his free time, accidentally turning his hand, and then playing the piano, which made the old injury worse. The news spread made fans worried.

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