Zhang Xueying the kitchen to controversy, not common sense is not enough to be dedicated?

Home >Entertainment > Zhang Xueying the kitchen to controversy, not common sense is not enough to be dedicated?

2019-01-30 14:36:03 Views Tags:Zhang Xueying cooking ,  frozen dumplings ,  kitchen idiots ,  cooking experience


She is very skillful to pick up a box of quick-frozen dumplings and count it. It is estimated that it is enough for everyone to eat such a box, and a pretty little fairy. Unexpectedly, the next step is to pour the frozen dumplings directly into a dry pot. If you want to fry dumplings, it is not like it, because the dumplings are not thawed, and it is not good to cook. Everyone hasn't reacted to what happened. I saw Zhang Xueying picking up a pot of water and pouring it into the pot. So, everyone finally understands what is going on, it seems that Zhang Xueying does not cook much!

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