LeonLaiMing's nine-month-old daughter's positive recent exposure exposes Hong Kong media t

Home >Entertainment > LeonLaiMing's nine-month-old daughter's positive recent exposure exposes Hong Kong media t

2019-02-20 13:46:30 Views Tags:LeonLaiMing daughter ,  financial power ,  LiMing girlfriend


Hong Kong media exposed a recent photo of LeonLaiMing's daughter, who is 9 months old, not so bad when she was a child, but also very cute. According to the report, after having a daughter, LeonLaiMing gradually reduced his work and spent most of his time with his daughter at home. Friends and relatives said that he is now watching his daughter grow up day by day, very happy, and even intends to pursue a second child in the year of the pig. The report said that although Awing gave birth to a woman at dawn, according to informed sources, Awing’s current status is still a girlfriend of Dawn, but the company’s financial power is already in her hands.

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