Cancel the first public appearance of the concert, Andy Lau accompanied Bai Xuexian to see Cantonese

Home >Entertainment > Cancel the first public appearance of the concert, Andy Lau accompanied Bai Xuexian to see Cantonese

2019-02-20 14:26:22 Views Tags:Andy Lau concert ,  Cantonese opera ,  throat inflammation ,  first public


In fact, Andy Lau has always been very interested in Cantonese opera. Tonight, when the audience saw Andy Lau and Bai Xuexian appearing, the whole audience was sensational and they raised their mobile phones to take pictures. Hua Tsai and Bai Xuexian also looked friendly at the camera and smiled. . Andy Lau held a concert at the Hong Kong Red Pavilion in December last year. After the throat was inflamed, it affected the scorpion and reluctantly canceled seven concerts. He originally planned to apply for a replacement in 2019, and the final application was not approved.

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