Hong Jinbao’s 24 years of marriage relies on “forbearance” and grateful to Gao Lihong for her temper

Home >Entertainment > Hong Jinbao’s 24 years of marriage relies on “forbearance” and grateful to Gao Lihong for her temper



He and his wife have been married for 24 years. When they talk about the way the husband and wife get along, they are in a "bearing" word: "Because everyone is not perfect, in fact, the most important thing for the two couples is to endure the shortcomings of the other person." I love to say that I have a funeral and love others. "My wife is patient," and if she can't understand her wife, she will think about why she did it. When he talked about the anecdote, he responded generously. "Gossip? I have something, just hiding it well, you can be conspicuous, don't have flaws." After that, he laughed and was not affected by the old things.

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