Pet wife unlimited! Exposing Harlem to spend a huge sum of money for his wife and children to buy a

Home >Entertainment > Pet wife unlimited! Exposing Harlem to spend a huge sum of money for his wife and children to buy a



On the evening of February 1st, Harlem was photographed at the company's tail, but left earlier than other singers. At 9 o'clock in the evening, he walked with the assistant. It seems that the wine is not sticky, he looks awake, he walks with the assistant. Say goodbye after a while, but did not call the taxi to leave, but walked to the opposite Taipei Garden mansion, and greeted the guards when he walked inside. It seems that it has been moving for some time. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 2nd, Harlem and his wife Zhang Jiaxin were ready to return home. He took the white carton in his right hand and took his wife in the left hand. From time to time, he looked around and saw that there was no car to lead Zhang Jiaxin to cross the road. Both of them talked and laughed along the way. In front of his wife, Harlem’s expression was much softer, and the couple returned home together.

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