Ouyang Nana is a model for the Edison brand, and her body is strong and hot. Edison chen brand.

Home >Entertainment > Ouyang Nana is a model for the Edison brand, and her body is strong and hot. Edison chen brand.

2019-03-07 15:14:24 Views Tags:Ouyang Nana cute ,  edison chen clothing ,  edison chen shoes ,  chenguanxi wiki


Chen Guanxi advertised on his personal social account for the co-branded jerseys of his own brand. Ouyang Nana, who interacted with Edison Chen on ins on weekdays, also had a cross-cutting model. However, Ouyang Nana’s hard photo has attracted many netizens to discuss. I don't know if it is the angle of the photographer's photo or the problem of the later retouching. In the photo, Ouyang Nana wearing a jersey has a big change, especially the arm is extraordinarily thick, but the legs are still very slender.

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