Tang Yizhen's sun fitness video suspected to deny pregnancy, netizen: use Zhao Liying's "Split stem "

Home >Entertainment > Tang Yizhen's sun fitness video suspected to deny pregnancy, netizen: use Zhao Liying's "Split stem "



Tang Yizhen and Zhang Ruoxuan are lovers of entertainment circles. Since they have been in love, they have always had a good relationship. Although they rarely see them sprinkling sugar, every show must be sweet and sweet. The two of them are really beautiful, and they enjoy their sweet life together. As for the progress of the relationship between the two, as early as last year, the media broke the news that the two had already registered to marry, and Tang Yijun’s fans also speculated that Tang Yizhen and Zhang Ruoxi I am already married, because when Tang Yizhen sent a text to celebrate her birthday on December 9 last year, Chen Yuxi left a message wishing her a happy birthday, and there are four "XXXX" instead of blessings.

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