Zhu yilong,Denglun partner in the new play,when learns that the heroine is her,no platform for her t

Home >Entertainment > Zhu yilong,Denglun partner in the new play,when learns that the heroine is her,no platform for her t

2019-04-02 17:48:02 Views Tags:Deng lun , Deng lun interview , Deng lun latest


Denglun's new play is called My True Friend.The crew is also working hard to increase the audience rating.Another popular little meat is Zhu yilong,whose face and acting skills are unknown.It is undoubted that Denglun and Zhu yilong can get high ratings in the TV series,but why Denglun and Zhu yilong cooperate with each other in the new one?After the killing of the drama,there is no platform to dare to accept it?It's rumored to have something to do with the actress inside.

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