Known as the frozen-age goddess, she has been a model worker for 30 years and now shares the secret at the age of 49.

Home >Entertainment > Known as the frozen-age goddess, she has been a model worker for 30 years and now shares the secret at the age of 49.

2019-04-04 18:01:52 Views Tags:Li Wanhua , actress Li Wanhua , former girlfriend of Wu Zhenyu


The actress I want to talk about today has been in love with Wu Zhenyu for 8 years. She is Hong Kong actress Li Wanhua. Her first love was Wu Zhenyu. They cooperated with Kara House Enterprise to wipe out the spark of love. Li Wanhua was only 21 years old that year. The relationship lasted for eight years, and eventually they broke up. It's a pity. Today, Li Wanhua is 50 years old, and her appearance has not changed much. She is still beautiful and moving. She is called "the goddess of frozen age" by netizens. From her face, we can see that she is very happy.

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