Yu Zheng is angering the actors and arguing for the position, and netizens have praised him.

Home >Entertainment > Yu Zheng is angering the actors and arguing for the position, and netizens have praised him.



Yu Zheng recently really broke his heart for the entertainment industry. If he doesn't understand what kind of atmosphere, he will point it out. His Weibo is about to become a thin opinion. This is not true, and today I am making my own opinions. Yu Zheng said that the actor should be more than acting, not arguing. He hates such comparisons and disputes. He also swears to show his position. "In the future, all my plays will not be signed and the seats will be released. Preface, according to the weight of the drama, how do you want to arrange it. If there is an actor with this special need, please detour, I can't wait. I hate those dramas that don't know how to focus on the stars all the time, listen to them. gas."

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