Shen Mengchen lost his temper:Don not talk to me for three days,Du Haitao was praised in a word

Home >Entertainment > Shen Mengchen lost his temper:Don not talk to me for three days,Du Haitao was praised in a word

2019-04-16 18:03:45 Views Tags:Shen Mengchen , Shen Mengchen Du Haitao , TV show


Recently,a video of a public quarrel between the two people on the show has caused netizens to question their feelings.In the exposure video,Shen Mengchen also pretended to be angry as if he had "quarreled" with Du Haitao.He said frankly:Don't talk to me for three days,and turned solemnly to the other side of Du Haitao.Du Haitao's expression is also very ferocious,the original happy couple actually quarreled,it seems that things are still very serious.But then Du Haitao's reply made people laugh.Du Haitao turned the camera directly to the camera and said,"Okay,three days later,let's watch Daughters'Love."It turns out that Du Haitao and Shen Mengchen are not really quarrelling,just for the purpose of propaganda in the program.No wonder,for these stars,how could they quarrel in front of the national audience?

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