Why does Kunling always make heavy makeup? When she saw her, she was shocked.

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Jay Chou and Kunling are very familiar with everyone, especially Jay Chou, Jay Chou's status in the entertainment industry is also very high, and the popularity is also very wide. If someone asks you if you don't know Jay Chou, you don't know, I am afraid It is seen as crossing! His wife, Kun Ling, is also very beautiful. Because of her mixed-race, her face is much deeper and more refined than the average person. Recently, the Internet has flowed out of Kunling's Su Yanzhao, which is also very resistant. After all, the foundation is so good, but it is also a little different from her makeup, but it is still very beautiful. I have to say that Jay Chou’s eyes are really good. what! Do you like Kunling? Do you think her beauty is also very beautiful?

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