Wang Sicong sun-new pet ducks, the price of the variety is amazing, netizens: do not understand the rich world.

Home >Entertainment > Wang Sicong sun-new pet ducks, the price of the variety is amazing, netizens: do not understand the rich world.

2019-04-19 15:11:53 Views Tags:Wang sicong new duck pet ,  wang sicong hot dog ,  wang sicong esports


Recently, Wang Sicong has sunk his new favorite on the social platform - duck, and the text is bought with heavy money. The ducks in the picture seem to have a high value, pure and pure, as for the so-called heavy gold, Can not help but make many netizens curious, how much money can be bought by Wang Sicong to get the ducks and ducks? Then the omnipotent netizens took out the source of the duck. This is a kind of pet duck called call duck. The Chinese name is usually called Xiaoya Duck, also known as Keer Duck. It is mainly used for exhibition and viewing. The difference between them and ordinary ducks is that the head is round and short, the neck is short and thick, the wings are large, the tail is not tilted, the body is fusiform, the legs are short, and the feet are full. The most important point is that the body size is small.

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