AoiSola's twins are about to be born, and will be broadcast live at the end of the month. Fans will send blessings.

Home >Entertainment > AoiSola's twins are about to be born, and will be broadcast live at the end of the month. Fans will send blessings.



The 35-year-old Japanese actress AoiSola was married to DJ NON on New Year's Day last year and stepped into a happy marriage. In December last year, she and her husband attended the event and announced that they were pregnant with twins. Just this morning, a Japanese correspondent revealed that Aoi will be producing live twins on the Japanese Internet TV Abema TV. Some netizens asked if the specific time of the child was not sure, and how to guarantee the program time. The reporter revealed that it is reported that Aoi Kong will choose caesarean section to ensure the children's birth. At the beginning of last year, Aoi was on the social media to take photos of the ring finger wearing a diamond ring to announce good news. In her long article, she revealed that her husband is not a handsome guy and has no money, but can accept his previous work. On December 11 last year, in order to thank the fans for their likes, Aoi and her husband, Non, made their debut in the public contract, and both faces were filled with happy smiles.

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