Huang Qiusheng won the Golden Images Award for 3 years. He has not received any income for 5 years. He starred in "The Lost Man" for zero pay.

Home >Entertainment > Huang Qiusheng won the Golden Images Award for 3 years. He has not received any income for 5 years. He starred in "The Lost Man" for zero pay.



On April 14, the final winner of the 38th Hong Kong Golden Images Award was finally revealed. Huang Qiusheng, who won the award for "The Lost Man", was believed to have guessed it because he was very excellent and had won the Golden Images Award twice. Huang Qiusheng's name must not be unfamiliar to everyone. In addition to winning the film emperor three times in his life, even Andy Lau praised him for "winning the prize as soon as he shoots a play".

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