Chen Weiting's short hair is refreshing and stylish, and the style of wearing sports shoes is different, but it is full of こまつ ななCP!

Home >Entertainment > Chen Weiting's short hair is refreshing and stylish, and the style of wearing sports shoes is different, but it is full of こまつ ななCP!



I believe that more and more people have known Chen Weijun in recent years. There are many artists who have come to the mainland to develop, and he is a relatively good one among many stars. He has won many audiences with his superb acting skills and handsome appearance. Recognition, in fact, we all know that Chen Weijun is still a professional singer. Even with such a dual identity, he still turns himself into the best person, because he has such strength, just behind this glamorous and beautiful The efforts are numerous, but no matter what, fans are looking forward to Chen Weizhen’s better performance.

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