The wife of the football superstar: C Ronaldo inspirational! Ramos brother and sister! Messi wife is

Home >Entertainment > The wife of the football superstar: C Ronaldo inspirational! Ramos brother and sister! Messi wife is

2019-01-29 13:42:54 Views Tags:Cristiano Ronaldo ,  Sergio Ramos ,  Antonella Rocuzzo ,  Lionel Andrés Messi


C Ronaldo has four children, and the motherhood of three of them is a mystery. In 2017, Georgina gave birth to a daughter for C Ronaldo. For the other children of Ronaldo, Georgina also revealed the aura of maternal love. Since having Georgina, Cristiano Ronaldo has rushed into the game and led Real Madrid to win four Champions League titles in five years. He led the Portuguese team to the European Cup, and the individual footballer and Golden Globe honors were soft.

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