Li Yanan will appear at the premiere of the month. Wang Zulan: She is like sitting out

Home >Entertainment > Li Yanan will appear at the premiere of the month. Wang Zulan: She is like sitting out



Wang Zulan promoted the first directed film in Sham Shui Po I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change! , send movie tickets to the neighborhood. Wang Zulan revealed that the premiere will be held tomorrow, so it is necessary to step up publicity, and his wife Li Ya-nan also gave advice during the film's post-production. Although the Asian man has repeatedly seen the film many times, but the Asian boy who just finished the month is too stuffy, so the Asian boy will openly appear to the theater tomorrow to watch and support himself: "Asian male is like sitting in prison Come out! It’s already terrible that she can’t leave the street during the month of the month! Let her come out to meet everyone.” Mentioned that netizens felt that Zheng Xiuwen had a guest sacrifice at the film, and Zu Lan said that the other party had already squandered the image: "She played a hungry teacher! In fact, she is a secret weapon!" And this time she also found a prostitute, he is big. Praise the prostitute is good, very professional, but he has no intention of signing a prostitute as a child star: "See how the reaction is! Leave it to others to sign it!".

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